DigiNoteCards Version 1.0

Quick Start Guide


  • Go to the default tab and select then font and colors.
  • Click the “Label” button to set the desired card header and numbering.

Card manipulation

  • To add a card, right click and click “Add Card” in the menu. You can also double click on an empty block.
  • To move a card, hold the control key down and left click on the label. Drag the card and place the upper left corner in the block where you want the card.
  • Cards can be shifted up, down, right and left.
  • Rows can be inserted left or right.
  • Columns can be inserted above or below.
  • To delete a card, click the “X” in the upper right corner.
  • To undelete a card/row/column, use the button or the right click menu on a blank block.
  • If not all the card text is visible, click “Max” on the card to view more text.
  • Task information, such as start/end dates and status, can be added to the card by clicking “Task” on the card.


  • Images or text from another application can be copied and pasted in to a card.
  • The text format will be changed to the format of the card.
  • To preserve the source formating, hold the shift key down and click the paste in the “Edit” tab of the card or the “Paste” in the right click context menu.


  • Image files can be dragged to a card. The image will be resized to the the height and width of a card. Double click on the image to open the origional image. It will not be shown if it has not been deleted or moved.


  • Find/Replace starts in the current card. Find Next goes by row and then by column.
  • Use the Radio button to select Find/Replace in the Label or the text.


  • “Print Board” prints an image of the board. The width will be shrunk to fit the page.
  • “Print Cards” will print one card per page. If the text does not fit on one page, it will be shrunk.


  • Web or E-mail addresses can be imbedded in the card by clicking the “Insert Link” icon on the card.
  • Double clicking a web link will open the link in the default browser.
  • Double clicking an email link will open the default mail client, if one is installed.


  • There is a “Save as RTF” that will save the card in the rtf format. This is a good way to have a backup of all the text.
  • There is a slider which will shrink the view to allow more cards to be viewed.
  • Selected cards can be printed (Print Selected) or saved as RTF (Save Selected as RTF)