DigiNoteCards is currently undergoing testing in the Microsoft Store, fill out this contact form if you wish to be notified when it is available. Mean while, check out this demo on YouTube

DigiNoteCards is an innovative Windows application designed to boost your creativity and productivity. It replicates the convenience of physical index cards on your digital screen, making it an ideal tool for writers, students, project managers, and creative thinkers.

DigiNoteCards is your ultimate sidekick, whether you’re a passionate writer, a dedicated student, a strategic project manager, or a visionary creative thinker. This digital gem has been meticulously crafted to help you unleash the true genius within you. It’s the compass that guides you through the labyrinth of ideas, tasks, and information, all while keeping things beautifully visual and astonishingly intuitive.

DigiNoteCards empowers you to brainstorm, plan, and structure your thoughts with the ease you’d expect from traditional index cards. It’s like taking the essence of those tangible cards and injecting them right into your computer.

You can seamlessly create, move, and organize virtual index cards on your digital corkboard. Customize them with titles and colors.

You can even attach files, images, and web links to your cards for a wealth of context and reference at your fingertips.

This is a versatile application designed to serve your every need. Whether you’re crafting the next great novel, orchestrating a masterful project, or simply capturing your fleeting inspirations, DigiNoteCards brings the elegance and flexibility of physical index cards to the digital realm. It’s time to step into the future of productivity, and let DigiNoteCards be your guiding light on this incredible journey!


  • The application replicates the tactile feel of an index card, complete with the ability to create, move, and organize virtual index cards.
  • Add rows and columns as needed.
  • Create and customize virtual index cards with titles, content, and colors.
  • Index cards can be rearranged for a flexible and interactive experience.
  • Create work cards with a start date, status, and completion date.
  • Search and replace for a single card or all cards.
  • Attach images, and web links to your index cards for additional context and reference.
  • Export your cards as a PDF, image, or text document for sharing or printing.

DigiNoteCards comes with a 15-day free trial.